A lot have been said about having that six pack abs you have always wanted with the lot, of get abs commercials that span the whole world from the press to media, but is it that they don't tell you the truth about abs that you should know you ask.
When you ask almost every person out their what they think are the sure get six pack abs exercises they know of, in most cases what they tell you are torso twist and abs crunch exercise, how i wish they know their is more to it than what they think they know.
Herewith are 3 great six pack abs exercises to do for abs.
-. Dumbbell swing: To do this stand with your feet slightly apart with the dumbbell hanging down in front of you. Afterward slowly lower yourself into a half squat position while the dumbbell swing between your legs then flex your gluts extend your knees and swing the dumbbell up until your arms are straight out in front of your face.
-. Stability ball jack knife: Doing this exercise will not just flatten your tummy but also burn more fat for you than you can imagine.
Place your hands on the floor as if you were going to do a push-up, but place your feet/shins on a stability ball. Then put your body in a perfectly straight line and your abs should be braced and tight. To do this exercise have the ball place towards your body by flexing the knee flexing your abs then return to the starting position again.
-. Stability ball roll-out: Simply kneel on the flour with your chest high up and hands resting on the stability ball while it stays in front of you then brace your abs and roll the ball back afterward maintain a neutral positioned spine by keeping your abs tight then roll out as far as you can keeping a near perfect form, then again return to the starting position again with a repetition of about 7 to 10 times.
Add one of the three exercises mention above to any usual one you have always known of to make a good six pack abs exercises that works.
so that it directly in front of you, brace your abs and roll the ball out in font of you while your body follows the ball.
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